donderdag 27 februari 2020

My Creative Time - Gift Card giving

Welcome to another great Gift Card giving Thursday at My Creative Time

Gift cards are the most given gifts with money for birthdays
or other occassions!

But a gift card or money are boring on it's own so luckily Emma has enough options to make something pretty!

This is what I made, "MayMay Made it"gave me this idea 3 years ago
and I thought of Emma's 
Chalkboard Birthday Stamp & Die Set
(one of my favorite dies)
This one is perfect for this card!
Have made a lot of times and everytime it is a big succes!

It looks complicated but it really isn't :)

This is what you do:
You cut out the die twice
Then you slice a bit from the bottom (the large bit, the shorter ones you cut of)
Slide the bag's bottom to 1 cm and cut that
Put the bag together and fold it but keep the bottom open
Then put the folded bag into the card and place the bottom close to the fold
and glue this bottom
Then fold the card closed, one side is now glued
Then glue the other bottom piece and close the card again and tadaaa
It holds a gift card perfectly! 
It is a bit bulky but hey....what a great surprise for the recipient!!

I changed the bag a bit and used a punch to make the round handles.

If you have any questions, just let me know

Have a great day!

7 opmerkingen:

  1. OMG Miss Jannie WOW What a Gorgeous, Cute and Stunning Gift Card Holder!! First off your Paper is So Beautiful....Your Creation is Brilliantly Created and one super Ingenious idea!! You did a Super Incredible Creative job as well as showcasing Miss Emma's Amazing Goodies!! Thanks for your Awesome Link and Directions!! YOU SO ROCK!!

  2. Wow! Beautiful and amazing pop up gift card holder! tfs Hugs, Christine

  3. Very clever idea! Beautiful job.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com
