vrijdag 23 augustus 2024

My Creative Time - 145th Release & Bloghop


Welcome to MCT 145th
Release & Bloghop

Because I received this wonderful release only last night
and I am so happy that I am 9 hours ahead
I got to play with all the goodies today!!

So I made all the projects and try to squeeze 
in as much as I could in the few hours I had
(I also work so.....)

So the embossingfolders and card have to wait till next time!

But as I said many times before....
it is not hard work when you have all the
MCT goodies, creative vibes are turned on automatically

So this is what I made

Because we really don't celebrate Halloween

I have to case somethings from America, witch :) is ok right

We all are inspired and 
put our own personal touches on our project!

So I totally loved this idea
the broom pencil!!! Isn't it cool?
The holder is pretty easy to make
and then you can decorate!!!!

So I ordered it right away because I knew MCT
would release a Halloween set
because it is Emma's favorite holiday!!!

And you can always use it for something else right?
For someone who has a new house that needs cleaning
or simply because it is very very very cute!!!

(I bought them at Ali)
Made the hole for the pencil with a die
it wiggles a little bit but a glue dot stops that!

Snowball Frame Dies
Bright Halloween 2024  6"x 8 1/2"Paper Pad
3.75 x 4.75 Card Dies
Sentiment Plate Die 
Spooky Season Stamps
5x5 Card Dies Layers
Trick or Treat Dies
Piece of Cardstock 3x9 "
Piece of Cardstock 2 3/4"x 9 3/4"
score at long side at 4 1/4 - 4 3/4  - 5 1/4  - 5 3/4


I also found these cute Ghost lights
Did you know that the word SPOOKY comes from the Dutch language?
Spook means Ghost.....

So I made a cute label with the adorable Ghost dies
and the paper I used is Glow in the Dark


Ghost Dies
Trick or Treat Dies
Tall Tag Frame Dies
Tall Tag Frame Die Layers

Halloween 2024  6"x 8 1/2"Paper Pad
Sentiment Plate Die 
Spooky Season Stamps


And then a amazing treatbox was designed and
I have so many ideas already, but for now I stick 
Halloween because who could resist Franky

Triangle Treat Die
Cute Frankie Die
Bright Halloween 2024  6"x 8 1/2"Paper Pad
Sentiment Plate Die 
Spooky Season Stamps


And finally I made the cute bag only this time
I made it into a Fall bag in Halloweenish colors

Treat Box Die
Scene Builder Dies
Foliage Dies
Bright Halloween 2024  6"x 8 1/2"Paper Pad

Use the code: JANNIE 
at checkout
to get 
15% off
your entire purchase.

Here is the rest of the MCT designteam


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